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Smith Wigglesworth prophesied in 1939 to Lester Sumrall several moves of God. They have all come to pass except the last move he prophesied. Here is what he said: “After that, after the third wave,” he started sobbing. “I see the last day revival that’s going to usher in the precious fruit of the earth. It will be the greatest revival this world has ever seen! It’s going to be a wave of the gifts of the Spirit. The ministry gifts will be flowing on planet earth. I see hospitals being emptied out; they will bring the sick to churches where they allow the Holy Ghost to move.”
We are now quickly approaching this pivotal prophesied revival, the Third Great Awakening. We want to make sure that everybody is prepared. Consequently, we are hosting a two-day seminar, Releasing The Supernatural, April 7-8, 2023. I have asked Tony Kemp to pour into us everything he has learned over the years about the supernatural realm. He was with us in December, and everyone was stunned by the level of glory and the supernatural realm released. Personally, I have never seen anyone carry such an amazing degree of glory in such a natural way. I knew then that we had to have Tony Kemp back to release more. We are moving into a very unusual, miraculous supernatural season.
In addition, two of the words that the Lord gave me for this year are Worship and Wonder, childlike wonder. The directions were to worship our way into the outbreak of great glory and supernatural intervention, reversing multiple situations in people’s lives, territories, and nations. In other words, we were to worship over what God was doing in advance. The Lord told me not to pray (traditionally) our way into 2023, but to worship over what He was going to do. With that in mind, I knew that Steve Swanson had to be involved along with our worship team. There are new sounds and songs that are being birthed in this season that will release great glory. And we are about to see a level of glory that we’ve never before experienced. It’s the level of glory that will miraculously turn around impossible situations including things like totally and miraculously turning around lives, supernatural recoveries, even emptying out hospitals like Smith Wigglesworth saw.
I am excited about what God is doing. We scheduled this for Easter/Resurrection Sunday weekend because of the significance of resurrection power. I believe there is going to be a burst of resurrection power released at this gathering. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you, trusting that you will be able to be with us for this significant event. I believe it will be a turnaround time for many. Come and let us Worship and Wonder together.
Apostle Tony Kemp
Steve Swanson (Worship)