William James once said, “The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” This concept has gripped my heart over the last several years as I consider the season of life I am in and my assignment from God contained therein. What I have come to realize is that this season for me is all about legacy.
Legacy is not leaving something for people, but rather leaving something in people. My DNA and what I have been known for over the years is the Breaker Anointing. Whether in prayer, worship, international apostolic assignments and more, I have seen God breakthrough in response to simple faith and obedience time and again. I want to leave behind a legacy in the hearts and minds of those I love and empower them to breakthrough in every way. In the fall of 2019 I received a word from a Prophet named Jaime Galloway that has resonated in my spirit. He prophesied to me and said that there are people all around the world, some of whom I am aware of and some of whom I am not, that see me as their primary mentor and “Apostolic Mother” in the Lord. He said that I was to develop a channel of input for these hungry people and leave behind a legacy in their hearts and minds that would leave an impact, as Williams James said above, far beyond my own life. I have decided to take action on this word and the Holy Spirit’s leading and launch a brand new initiative called, “Global Legacy Partners.” Global Legacy Partners is providing a channel for a breakthrough legacy for those who see me as their primary mentor and “Apostolic Mother” in the Lord. It can be in very diverse ways that people feel connected to me and I have learned over the years not to limit it. I have heard from people that I have mentored them through my books, my teachings, conferences and strategic events I have hosted personally and those I have been a part of. Many more have said it has been through their observation of my very life itself. I am humbled as I consider all of this and those the Lord has allowed me the privilege to impact over the years. |
Through Global Legacy Partners I will sow into your lives through our annual gathering, private access to closed “Zoom” Q and A sessions, private access to online teaching resources and materials and more. As you become a part of Global Legacy Partners, you enter into the legacy of breakthrough God has taught me and which in turn I will leave behind in those who are hungry for it. This is a season of many mantles passing on to the next generation for the continual propagation of the Kingdom of God. One generation will tell of his masterful works to another! (Psalm 145:4) I want to do my part and am looking for those who are hungry to be a part of this breakthrough legacy. Some would say we need to pay attention to our legacy because we are writing it every day. I agree and want to write breakthrough onto your heart and life as I leave behind a legacy for God in those whom he has connected me to, heart to heart. |
“We’re in a season, where if we want the fullness of God available now, we must step out of the boat and onto the water”.
Barbara J. Yoder Ministries / Shekinah Church @ 2025 All Rights Reserved