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- The Seer Anointing - mp3s ( Automatic Download )
The Seer Anointing - mp3s ( Automatic Download )
Friday evening, December 2, 2022 and Saturday, December 3, 2022 as Pastor Tony Kemp shares with us revelation and insight concerning the Seer Anointing. Apostle Tony Kemp moves in a powerful seer anointing with healing and miracles. He will be sharing with us his wisdom, experience and insight into the Seer Anointing.
We are in a season of acceleration in every spiritual realm. Revelation is increasing. Angelic awareness and visitations are increasing. Anointings are exploding, going to a new level. One spiritual realm is the seer. God is bringing the Seer Anointing to a much higher level. We need to understand it, learn how it operates in us and prime the pump so that we move into a new level of the Seer anointing. To some, it is the major way that they hear from God. However God wants to move all of us into a new and greater dimension of the Seer anointing. We are in a new season where the revelatory realm is opening up and we want to be able to hear God at that new level.