Shekinah‘s beginning was in 1983 when Barbara J Yoder received a word from the Lord to establish the church. It was not just a momentary experience but an ongoing process beginning several years earlier. Shekinah has always been a church which has highly valued the presence of God, God’s glory, the Word of God, worship and prayer as the foundation for every ongoing decision and ministry. Basically our heart has been to be a church that’s in perpetual revival like the book of Acts, constantly evolving into the current understanding of how that looks and what it is supposed to be, exploding with God’s tangible Presence, anointing, love and miraculous breakthrough.
Foundational to that is an apostolic prophetic heart and ministry. The early Church, through apostles, prophets and teachers directed by the Holy Spirit, was constantly moving into new territory capturing and transforming the hearts of men and women for God. In other words if we love God, we love people. God’s heart is to bring men and women to personal knowledge of Him. He longs to bring everybody into relationship with Him, ultimately transforming them into people who look like Him, sound like Him, and act like Him. He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. That means we gather people who long to know God (even know if He’s real), bring them into a relationship with Him, love them, teach them, equip them, minister to them, raise them up just as a parent would raise up a child. And then we transform those people into those who turn around and help others do the same. With these transformed people, we now have prayer teams, prophetic teams, evangelism/missions/outreach and healing teams available to respond to the needs and requests brought to them. If you need prayer, healing or desire to know or hear from God, or desire to contact us for any reason, send a request to the following email address, [email protected] or call the office. We’d love to hear from you. And if you have a testimony of something God has done for you at Shekinah, we’d love to hear about it! You are why we are here. Email: [email protected] Phone: 734-662-6040 Address: 4600 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103 |
“We’re in a season, where if we want the fullness of God available now, we must step out of the boat and onto the water”.
Barbara J. Yoder Ministries / Shekinah Church @ 2025 All Rights Reserved